Alexandre Franc


Alexandre Franc was born in 1973. He spent his childhood in Lyon, but today lives in Paris. Since 2007, he has published more than 15 comics and graphic novels, sometimes as a co-author and sometimes on his own. He works often on children's literature and magazines, and collaborates with publications such as Topo and La Revue dessinée. In 2018, he created the art for Guantanamo Kid, a work of documentary fiction based on journalist Jérôme Tubiana's narrative of the youngest prisoner at the Guantanamo site -- Mohammed, a boy of 16. His most recent work with Dargaud (2021) is Extinctions: La Crépuscule des espèces (Extinctions: Twilight of the Species, Europe Comics 2021), an ambitious collaboration with science writer Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu. His website can be found at

Country of origin: France Europe Comics Publisher: Dargaud (France)