Mathieu Sapin

Artist & Scriptwriter

Born in 1974 in Dijon, Mathieu Sapin studied the decorative arts in Strasbourg, where he created Supermurgeman, one of his favorite characters, for a school magazine. An illustrator of children’s books and an author, he has written around forty books across all genres, and is a member of the National Society of Comics with Christophe Blain, Riad Sattouf, and Joann Sfar. On the advice of Lewis Trondheim, Sapin got into illustrated documentary, such as the behind-the-scenes account of the movie Gainsbourg, une vie héroïque (Feuille de Chou, 2010, Delcourt), Campagne présidentielle (Dargaud) and Le Château (Dargaud), where he followed François Hollande during his presidential campaign and his first steps in the Élysée. He then followed these up with the epic Gérard (Dargaud; Europe Comics in English), where he accompanied Gérard Depardieu across the world over the course of five years.

Country of origin: France Europe Comics Publisher: Dargaud (France)