
Just Enough

Script by - Art by

Manuel and Mia live together in Bologna, in a house that is so crowded they have a roommate they’ve never seen. Mia is almost thirty, hates her job, and has a deep desire to dig into life before it’s too late—before becoming hopelessly adult. Manuel is publishing a serial novel online about courtly love, which he hopes might one day find a publisher. Mia and Manuel have dreams, but are unhappy. They don’t know how to face the void created between them. They’re losing themselves, even though they love each other. If they’re to straighten things out, they must find the right measure.

  • Art by
  • Script by
  • Booktype Graphic novel
  • Genre(s) Drama, Humor
  • Age rating 15+
  • Series complete
  • Publisher BAO Publishing (Italy)

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