Katja Centomo


Katja Centomo (born in Aosta, Italy, in 1971) is the co-creator of the popular series Monster Allergy (Tunué; Europe Comics in English) as well as Lys. She now guides the Red Whale studio, where she produces editorial content for comic series, cartoons, and kids' books, working for brands such as Mondadori, Deagostini, Disney, Giunti, Rainbow, Lux Vide, Musicartoon, Panini, and Piemme. As transmedia manager of Lynx Multimedia Factory she created the series Cooking Time!, while as a fiction author she has written two books for Mondadori in the series Le Straordinarie Avventure di Jules Verne (The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne).

Country of origin: Italy Europe Comics Publisher: Tunue (Italy)